
A waste of time planned by Vance Eitelberg and Brian Rolczynski.
Illustrations by Lisa Rolczynski, bitch.

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First the good news. Message boards are up. You'll have to register, but don't worry. It's relatively easy, free, and necessary so we know just who to laugh at. You'll see what I mean when you go there.

As for the long period of silence... sorry, but that's how things go. I just started school, so I haven't had much time to update. My sister hasn't drawn anything since everything she drew has gotten posted (but we have several penned right now, between me and Mike), too. Our biggest problem right now is that Mike decided to move from his parents' house and now we don't have access to a scanner. I'll try to find one at the U, or buy one, or something. But until then, I don't know how many more comics will be posted. We'll look for a fix soon.

As for my shitty drawing, yeah, I know when to call a spade a spade. Everything that's up of mine is absolute crap. Though, I liked the punch lines at least. Yeah, those were my tries at drawing like my sister, but I've come to realize since that I don't have to try to mimic her. So my drawings are now of a different style, but hopefully they look a bit better. They'll be up as soon as I can get my hands on a scanner. Mike's drawings, as you'll come to see on 10-19, are nice looking. Kinda refined, definitely different. Anyway, that's all I got to say about that.

Oh yeah, Vance asked me to code in a movie review section. Enjoy.


I'm a very angry youth.


I draw.


Have you ever opened up a packet of ramen noodles and had there be no flavor packet? And you think normally I'd bitch, but I probably don't deserve flavor for how little I paid for this meal.

It's tough to stay healthy when you're a teenager because ramen has no nutrients. And I don't like cleaning the bathroom because apparently most of the shedding I do happens while I'm hanging out behind my toilet.
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